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The main expected outputs will be achieved through experience transfer, training for capacity building, specific actions to address institutional sustainability, roundtables, planning procedures for internationalisation, and the network approach to formalise the project results. 

Key activities for internationalisation are:

  • Exchange of students and staff to promote international networking in higher education
  • International cooperation for joint research with ASEAN HEIs and other countries 
  • Participation in international organisations to develop cooperation in higher education and quality assurance

The outputs, their relation to the proposed activities and the relevant target groups are the following ones:


These activities will serve as an introduction to the overall project objectives and provide opportunities to assess the main barriers for internationalisation (Activity 2.1. Analysis of obstacles for credit recognition, international mobility of students and staff, and int. research), and also discuss the applicability and transferability of internationalisation models (Activities 2.3 - Study visit for Top-Management level Staff & 2.4- Study visit for IRO Staff level). Finally, this activity will end up buying and installing the equipment which is fundamental for the implementation of the upcoming activities (Activity 2.5).

Intangible outputs: Increased inter-institutional cooperation and sharing of good practices via the needs analysis and Institutional. Building by good practice transfer, innovative ideas on how to incorporate IRs as an integral part of institutional strategy.

Tangible outputs: 1 Study Need Analysis of Internationalisation produced, updated assessment on obstacles for credit recognition and international mobility of students & academic staff and Int. Research, new contacts, and reference materials, 2 study visits to USAAR&UA and 6 IROs fully equipped and running.



These activities are concerned with building the structural and institutional capacity to embed and implement the knowledge garnered in Outcomes 1. This second outcome will be achieved through the Organisation of 2 National Round Tables to frame national dialogue (Activity 3.1. and 5.2), the drafting of the “Management Guide for IROs” (Activity 3.2); the design or improvement of internationalization strategy in HEIs in Cambodia (Activity 3.3) and the analysis of policies in the framework of the MoEYS legislation (Activity 5.1.) and the development of the Policy paper on the implementation of internationalisation of Cambodian HE will help Cambodian partners to reach the objectives set in the MoEYS policy reforms.

Intangible outputs Strengthening of Internationalisation of higher education system through the promotion of HEIs governance reforms. Physical and institutional capacity, embedded practices learned in previous activities, greater visibility for partner institutions, strategic planning, and sustainability,

Tangible outputs: 2 National Round tables carried out (one by MoEYS), IRO Management Guide (1, electronic version), Internationalisation strategy developed for 6 HEIs in Cambodia (10), and a Policy paper (300 copies).



These activities will serve to provide tailor-made training initiatives in fields relevant to Cambodian HEIs and provide opportunities for discussion. Cambodian HEIs will also be invited to present success stories and case studies to learn from other institutions operating in the same country/context. The activities concerned include the development of workshop materials based on activities 2.1, 2.3 & 2.4 (Activity 4.1); the design and delivery of the training plan (Activity 4.2); the workshops’ implementation (Activity 4.3) – 6 Modules developed and delivered to 6 Cambodian HEIs and replication of Workshops at a National Level.

Intangible outputs: Enhancement of managerial and administrative staff capacities in dealing with internationalisation issues, strategic thinking, trainees trained for the replication of workshops at a national level.

Tangible outputs: set of 6 comprehensive training materials developed, including PowerPoints, reference materials, and case studies (available also on the project website), trainees trained + Ministry in the Workshop sets 1&2 (2 trainings completed), plus 12 replication workshops conducted and implemented at non-partners HEIs in Cambodia.



These activities will provide formalised structures to continue the project work beyond the life of the project and create a forum for further learning and experience sharing in the country. Increase public awareness and understanding of Internationalisation within higher education institutions. Activities 8.1 and 8.2 - Internationalisation Network set-up and Sustainability plan, will focus on creating and providing sustainability of the Internationalisation of the HE Network in Cambodia. Activity 8.3 will focus on raising awareness of the benefits of internationalisation at a national level (Internationalisation of HE National Conferences/2). Besides that, Activity 8. will allow the network to be present in key events on international education such as the Annual EAIE Conference, APAIE, etc.). Activity 8.4 National Conferences (2) on Internationalisation will take place in Cambodia to raise awareness and to widen the network.

Intangible outputs: Policy-level dialogue and interest, inclusion and promotion of the project activities to other actors, institutional embedding, promoting the participation of the CHAIn Network in higher education international events, enhanced national cooperation and a common strategic vision.

Tangible outputs: Establishment of a National Network for Internationalisation, sustainability plan, reports on national conferences, conducting 2 Internationalisation of Higher Education Conferences in Cambodia, follow-up actions and plans.