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Established in 1964, Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC) is a public higher education institution providing students with know-how and hands on practice on specialized skills in Science, Engineering and Technology. The two main missions of ITC aligned with the government policy specifically The Ministry of Education Youth and Sport has made ITC the well-known leading engineering institution in Cambodia and region that provides the specialized skills related to Science, Technology and Engineering. 

The first main mission is to strengthen learning and teaching quality which learning program is accredited to ensure the qualified graduates produced that respond to the market demands. The second main mission is to support the sustainable development of Cambodia by improving research and innovation in Science, Technology and Engineering. The programs in all degree levels, PhD, MSc, Engineering and Associate degree, at ITC equipes students with practical experiment in laboratories and students in Engineering degree are required to do the internship to fulfil the requirements. Five faculties are running such as Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering, Faculty of Geo-resources and Geotechnical Engineering, Faculty of Chemical and Food Engineering, and Faculty of Applied Sciences.

Besides teaching and learning, ITC also promotes research activity and in 2015, Research and Innovation Center (RIC) was established which composes of five research units such Energy Technology and Management, Food Technology and Nutrition, Material Sciences and Structure, Mechatronics and Information Technology and Water and Environment. These five research units under the supervision of RIC play the basic role in promoting and supporting research activity. ITC also has its own local publication service known as Techno-science research journal where students and researchers can submit their research findings for local publication.

In addition, ITC also has humorous collaborations with partner institutions both private and public such as AUF (France), AUN/SEED-Net (ASEAN), JICA (Japan), Ares-CCD (Belgium), World Bank, Asean Development Bank and industries. Through the collaboration, there are 100 research projects as of 2024 and within that 85 research projects are being implemented.

Russian Federation Blvd, P.O.Box 86, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
+855 23 880 370