The project aims to introduce and develop internationalisation strategies in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Cambodia. Depending on the specific needs of higher education institutions, the project supports partners in building International Relations Offices (IROs) to promote international cooperation and student exchange. It aims consequently at increasing the academic quality and research activities of universities in Cambodia through the development of internationalisation capacities.The new structures are designed to improve cooperation among Higher Education Institutions at the national level on internationalisation issues and increase the number of Cambodia's international activities.The specific objectives (SO) of the project are:SO1: to consolidate internationalisation structures and build human capacities of HEIs by means of targeted training programmes in 6 HEIs, SO2: to accompany the governance reforms of Ministry of Education Youth and Sports of Cambodia (MoEYS), and SO3: to enhance international networking through strategic actions in key areas of the Cambodian higher education system.